Best Tips for Sit Down Quilters Course

(2 customer reviews)

I travel and teach free motion classes all over, what I found is that in my Beginner FMQ 101 classes the same questions are asked over and over. I put out this video in hopes to help you  push that learning curve back and help you start on the right foot with the basics covered.

You’ll see there is a name your price tool below, while I love making and putting out free content it takes a lot of time and planning to do so, so if you’re able  and or would like to donate a little something, now you can. Otherwise you can always just put in $0.00 and it’ll send you the free class all the same!

See description below for materials list.

Skill Level: None

1 Videos Totalling .5 hours of content

Suggested price: $10.00

Minimum price: $0.00

SKU: tips for sit down quilters Categories: ,

Materials needed:

An open mind and maybe a pen and paper to remember some of the tips covered.

Reviews (2)

2 reviews for Best Tips for Sit Down Quilters Course

  1. Maryna van Emmenes

    Can only review when I received my pattern

    • Admin_Lauren

      hey there, I am not sure what you mean when you receive your pattern. this course is a video on tips for sit down quilters, it doesn’t come with a pattern. if there is something else you need help with feel free to email me at and I will help you out as best I can. Thank you! -Lauren J

  2. dareynolds

    Great tips to get you started.

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