On Trend- Free Motion QAL

(10 customer reviews)


This is our “On Trend” Free Motion Quilt along: This class is truly great because you can simply order a panel and backing, make your quilt sandwich and get to work! This class is unique, in that you learn to work your way around various blocks and border motifs, but I don’t just teach you one set of designs to repeat in blocks over and over, instead I teach you multiple designs and encourage you to mix and match as you work to build your skill. Not everyone’s brain works the same, so it was important for me, to give you options!

Best of all, you don’t have to worry about practicing your free motion on a quilt top you spent countless hours assembling.  Best of all when you’re done you have a finished quilt to bind and admire or to give away!  In this class you will learn 6 various center quilting motifs for the  plain blocks, combinations for use in the rail fence blocks, border designs, and a bonus video on how to quilt the Very large empty area if you don’t plan on using applique to accent it.
See Detailed description below for materials list.

Skill Level: Confident Beginner

11 Videos Totalling 8.75 hours of content

Reviews (10)