Longarm Machine Rental Time-Free Motion


Live Near the Brooksville Florida area? Want to rent time on our APQS Longarm quilting machines? Machines have a 26″ throat and are available to rent on an 8ft or 10 ft table.

The 10ft table can accommodate a quilt with one side at 104″ inches and a backing of 112″. If your quilt is 104″ x 120″ you can still quilt it, just load the 104″ side and roll the 120″ side.

The 8 ft table can accommodate a quilt with one side at 80″ inches and a backing of  96″  if your quilt is 80″ x96″ you can still quilt it on this machine, just load the 80″ side and roll the 96″ side.

the throat of the machine is quite large so it can accommodate large quilts. You first will need to take the certification course, then you can get to work quilting on your own, with (hand driven) free motion quilting, (hand driven) laser-guided pantographs, and even make use of the (self Driven) computerized machine on the 10 ft table.

Hand Driven: $15 per hour after certification

Computerized: $25 per hour after computer certification

Call ahead to schedule time, Slots are limited:  8505566774-Lauren


Long arm machine for rent near me, certified rental, finish my own quilt

Additional Information
LA Rental

Hand Driven $15/HR, Computer $25/hr

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