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Fancier Feathers Live Zoom11/4/2023 4 pm est

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Zoom replay now Available to view, successfully uploaded 11/10 available for rewatch until 5/10 2024
Feathers can be a rough skill to master, but even if you’ve mastered the traditional feather how do you take your feather game to the next level? Our fancier feathers class will guide you through variations of feather elements and combinations that you can use on masculine, and feminie quit tops an open your eyes to efficient paths for quiting that minimize thread overlap.
the class will come with handouts that you can print out both empty for during class and filled in with my drawings after class. this way you can work on muscle memory with tracing what we’ve covered. Each feather class is unique and I am so excited to do this with you!
Due to the sheer data size of a zoom class this video will be available for 6 months after class date because internet storage is not infinite.