Welcome to the July FMQ-Along. This is a free course offered By Lauren to help you learn free motion quilting skills in an actionable way.
We utilize combining FMQ and ruler work on a manageable sized project (we are making awesome place mats!) to help you learn about ruler work and quilt path with free motion quilting.
Worksheets and diagrams are included in this free class.
see description below for materials list.
Skill Level: Beginner
Welcome to our July free motion quilt along where you will learn how to map out, and work your way around two very different free motion quilting motifs. Best of all the project finishes up at 14″ x 20″ a manageable project to learn Free motion quilting.
Join in on the fun and follow along on your machine at home.
**All Classes are for both long-arm and sit-down machine quilters. ***
any materials you need can be found int he products section on the website!
Grab Your Ruler and Lets map out the designs for our first free motion quilt along Quilted Place-mat. This design is measured, planned and traditionally sectioned.
In this video we will cover how to map out the second mini quilt (place-mat) in a more modern and compositional way. You’ll Need your measuring ruler and blue water soluble marker. There is no printout for this lesson as the real goal here is…
Learn all the free motion quilting designs here before you begin quilting on your top. Lots of helpful tips in this video and don’t forget to print out your free motion quilting designs worksheets below in the printout.
In this video we will cover how to stitch the borders on our custom mini quilt Place-Mat #1 and how to utilize the markings on our curved quilting rulers.
In this video we will cover how to stitch the center motif of the July free motion quilt along for Place-Mat #1 make sure to have your straight ruler handy for this video. If you need a Straight or curved ruler for these videos, Please…
In this video we will cover how to stitch the compositional mini quilt Place-Mat #2 from start to finish in one thread path! So much information! and so much fun!