
  • Master That Mandala

    18 Lessonsin
    • Master that Mandala! (Class) - $76.50

    Have you ever looked at an Ice Dyed Mandala Quilt and wondered how the quilter approached  and executed the quilting? Are you ready to learn practical applications to divide and design a whole cloth Mandala Quilt top? In this hands on workshop we will cover...

  • Quiltworx-Plan Quilting on Intricate tops

    15 Lessonsin
    • Quiltworx- How to Plan Quilting for Intricate Tops - $74.25

    The Quiltworx Planning class is officially upon us! This class is a Lecture / Documentary type class for learning planning and handling tips for not only Quiltworx  Quilt Tops but can aid in managing quilt tops with intricate patterns.  We will discuss many different Quiltworx...

  • How do I quilt that? - 11/5/2023 1pm EST

    Class successfully update 11/10 available for replay until 5/10/24 Due to the sheer data size of a zoom class this video will be available to replay for 6 months after class date because internet storage is not infinite.  

  • Border Buddy Extravaganza

    6 Lessonsin
    • Border Buddy Extravaganza! - Suggested price: $10.00

    Hey there! this is a free class, these videos are available on Youtube as well, but are here collected in this class in one area for you to be able to pull them up and view them all in one place! Since we have new...

  • Live: Fancier Feathers 9/26

    2 Lessonsin

    This Course is for our Live class held on 9/26 downloaded from Facebook and uploaded here to the website for you to keep on hand!